Quick Check In
Thanks to those of you who have emailed or commented to ask how I am doing.
I am well, thank you. Much better than I deserve.
Life is just rolling by here and I have been thoroughly enjoying it. We're wrapping up a school year, starting Scud with drum lessons, signing up for swimming lessons, planning for family reunions and summer hikes and letterboxing. I have been attending births and start a new Birthing From Within class next week. We're preparing Mashuga for surgery -- he will have his tonsils and adenoids removed and have tubes put in his ears. I am very hopeful that this will make a big difference for him as far as being able to sleep, breathe and hear. None of these has been going so well for him for the last little while.
There is a great deal going on in our lives, mostly good. I am overwhelmed with joy and blessings. Life is good.
I have been busy, but not too busy to write, really. I have been lurking your blogs, but not commenting for the most part.
I'm just feeling quiet, contemplative. I am clearing an inner space for something new that is brewing. Asking myself over and over right now "What is my authentic voice? What do I really have to say to the world that is worth saying?"
I began this blog as a way to post about the craziness and wonderfulness at our house and in my life. It has been so much fun to reconnect with friends and family and give them a glimpse into our lives and get a glimpse of theirs. At times, I have used my blog as a device to become a better writer. The times that I most enjoy blogging, though, are when I use this space as more of a personal journal. A space to chronicle my constant work of becoming a better human being. When all three intersect, well, that's magic and the words just pour.
So, forgive me if I am a bit absent right now. I have some things brewing, but they're all inside, wordless. I've thought to write here so many times recently, but it always came out sounding like someone else, or feeling just terribly unimportant or boring to me. So, I've held off.
I'm sure that this simmer will come to a boil and I'll be back before too long with many, many things to say. Until then, I'll keep lurking you and commenting when I feel like I have something worthwhile to say.
Love to all. Hope you're looking forward to summer the way I am.
BTW, Rynell, you have me singing Porgy and Bess now, too.