Wednesday, October 24, 2007

6 Videos ALL Utahns should watch

Please take a few minutes and watch these videos. They explain how Referendum 1 will help everyone in Utah, especially public schools. Even if you only watch the short ones (I've listed length with the title), it will be well worth your time.

You should also know that KSL news and other independent sources have verified that the TV ads and videos put out in support of Referendum 1 are TRUE. The information in the ads against Referendum 1 was deemed to be FALSE. So, the ads telling you that Referendum 1 will siphon millions of dollars away from public schools, that private schools will not be accountable under Referendum 1 and so on are simply not true. The following are true and represent how Referendum 1 is an excellent measure to help us fund schooling and improve education for ALL students in our future.

Governor Huntsman Supports Referendum 1 (31 seconds)

Congressman Bishop (Former Public School Teacher) Supports Referendum 1 (31 seconds)

Public School Teachers and Administrators FOR Referendum 1 (2 minutes, 13 seconds)

Richard and Linda Eyre Use Cookies to explain how Referendum 1 benefits PUBLIC schools (31 seconds)

Richard and Linda Eyre Cookies -- Long Version (6 minutes, 55 seconds)

Truth by the Numbers -- Utah Taxpayer coalition supports Referendum 1 (10 minutes)


Kim said...

Ok, so we have been talking a lot about this in our home. We were both ready to vote yes until we saw the income guidelines. It seems that not many people could actually afford the rest of the tuition. It helps a few, those who could already afford tuition, but the rest of us who don't make much money couldn't afford it.
For example, those who make $30K and have 2 children are the ones that would get the $3000, but then they still have to come up with the other 2K.
Then you have those who make $150K, already send their kids to private school because they can afford it and they are going to get an extra $500/year that they don't really need.

Those are our only issues with it. Any thoughts? :)

Joeprah said...

Alas, I am not from Utah, but my neighbor grew up in Utah so I will have to pass on this news. BTW, your husband must be one awesome dude. Thanks for the awesome comment it really made me feel appreciated! You rule and of course your husband must as well. Peace!

Joeprah said...

Oh yeah...I tagged you!

Check you later gator.

Josi said...

This is explained really well at Alas my computer is too slow for me to watch the videos without supreme cursing, but I'm right there with you--the ability to make choices in our education creates the competition that provides a wider spectrum of learning options for everyone. Thanks for the info!

Heather said...

Kim, I'm working on an answer for you. looking up details and such.

Kim said...

Thanks Heather! I really do want to vote yes for this. I want choice for everyone when it comes to schooling. I just want it to be affordable also, and as it stands right now, we wouldn't be able to take advantage of it. And it makes me wonder how many people actually would, you know?