Saturday, April 14, 2007

Peace Cometh In the Morning

My children let me sleep in this morning, so I woke up to sunlight streaming in my window and a feeling of peace and calm. Everything will be all right.

I had a good, long talk wih JDub last night. We specifically discussed one of the situations that's been bothering me. I came to the conclusion that, though it's hard right now, all is as it should be. I was able to come to a point where I understood the situation better, where I understood him better and forgiveness and openness washed over my heart. Everything will be fine. It will all work out.

Just wanted to share that.

I'm waiting to find out about my friend's funeral. I wrote a poem for her back when we were in sixth grade. I found it about a week ago. Her mother had made a copy for each of us in her beautiful calligraphy. I'll have to find it and post it here -- it was about friendship and how moments pass, but the memories remain and are precious. Quite applicable now. Probably more so now than then.

Well, I get to coach another soccer game for 4 and 5 year olds today. Maybe Mashuga will actually play this time. He played in his first game only because I bribed him. There were only four kids there, so I needed him to play. His last game he just wanted to stay on the sidelines and cuddle in a blanket. We had a full team and all the others were eager to play. So, I decided it would be best to just let him play when he wants to. This is supposed to be fun, after all.


Emily said...

so glad to hear your are feeling some comfort -- it's true that things always look better in the morning. for whatever reason, during the night it's easier to catastrophize things...

i'm so sorry to hear about your friend. i hope you'll continue to receive comfort.

Jenni said...

It says something when you can make a post at 755am and say "I got to sleep in this morning"...
Actually, I would just love to sleep three consecutive hours anytime...

Sarah Jean said...

hah! catastrophize. What a great word. I am the mistress of midnight catastrophization.

Seriously, I'm glad to hear it, Heather. John and I gave up on late night arguments a while ago. Why go to bed angry when you can stay up and fight, right? So now we go to bed angry and talk about it in the morning. Things do tend to look a little better by the light of day.

Melzie said...

Mornings with sun streaming in IS wonderful. I'm sorry to hear about your friends (both childhood and your fathers)... but, glad that peace is coming to you as well.