Wednesday, November 02, 2011

On a crisp November day

Life is so insane for me right now. Most days I love it. I love the wildness, the metamorphosis, the mess.

Other days--days like today--I want to curl up in a ball and cry. I want to hide. I stand in my messy kitchen and yell at the ceiling: Why can't I do anything right?

Then there are moments like this:

We visit Scud for lunch and stay to play, stay until noses are cold and hearts are warm and Coco's late for preschool but I don't care because I'm getting a bigger glimpse of my life, connecting with these boys in ways that nourish us all. It is so sweet. I am so loved. I love those around me so deeply.

All those little things I miss amidst the rushing winds of my life settle down from the sky and all is right again. Life is so, so good. I'm so in love with it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Melody said...

Beautiful. Perfect. Savor the moment. Love this post.