Friday, September 08, 2006

Another Friday Wrap

Just another random post of randomness. I'll let you in on what's been going on in my life.

  • Last week marked the first day of school for my two oldest sweethearts. Really, I need to find the cord to my camera so I can post some blasted pictures on here! We have so many fun pictures from the last few weeks. So, back to school. It's been a lot of fun for them. I have thoroughly enjoyed being alone with Mashuga for a couple of hours a day. And they're even starting to get the carpool thing worked out. I'm down to waiting about 15 minutes to get my kiddos after school from the 45 it took the first day. YUCK! They're really working hard on solutions. It's pretty difficult with a small parking lot and 500 students who need to be picked up. None of them are bussed because it's a charter.

  • So, I've done a lot of work for this school. My latest project was planning and conducting two nights of parent curriculum training. I was only there for the first night, but thought it went rather well. Most people were very pleased with the information we provided. Someone just commented on a previous post that she thought the training was draining. I don't think she realized that she was talking to the very person who planned those draining trainings. :) Ah, well. Can't please everyone. Maybe I can console myself with the idea that she probably went on Wednesday and missed my energetic, singing and dancing presentation on Shurley English. HA! No, it really went over well. Now, I'm in charge of gathering orders for parent materials so that they can help their children at home. My wonderful Mashuga boy was actually very patient as he helped me distribute over 500 order forms to teachers yesterday morning. As intense as he is, he's actually rather manageable when we're one-on-one.

  • The reason I wasn't at the second night of training is that I was able to have one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. My little brother went to the temple for the first time. He and his sweetheart will be getting married in the temple tomorrow. Honestly, if you had told me a year ago that I would be in the temple with my entire family this week I wouldn't have had enough faith to believe you. What a choice experience. Especially because it means that my brother and sister, who were both struggling and hurting a year ago are now enjoying a measure of peace and happiness in their lives. What a tremendous answer to prayers.

  • I am now 23 weeks pregnant and happy as a clam. I love second trimester. Still interviewing care providers to decide who I'll go with for sure. But at least I know what I want now. So, it's just a matter of finding someone who will fit my needs. OH, we found out a couple weeks ago that we're having another little boy. Kaitybean was crushed. The boys want to name him Captain Jack Sparrow. Well, Jack was on the top of my short list of names so they may get a Captain Jack. We've been going back and forth now between calling him Coco and captain Jack.

  • We are working on cleaning and refinishing and really revamping our home right now. I've been decluttering like a fool in hopes of having a yard sale next week. Hopefully I can pull it off. If not, I'll be taking a HUGE load of stuff to charity. I am just tired of the clutter and the headache it causes me. A couple of weeks ago a dear friend asked me (after I'd told her a bit about some of the things I'm struggling with right now) whether or not I felt like my home was a refuge for me. I couldn't give her a positive answer. As I've thought more about it I've realized that I DESERVE for my home to be a refuge and I'm working hard to make it that way.

    Well, I'm off. I'm going to go soak in the tub and just not think about any of the many things I need to do today. Not yet, anyway.


    Anonymous said...

    I realized after the fact that I was looking at an older post than I first thought. I'm so embarrassed. I did go on Wednesday and there was absolutely no singing or dancing! Please accept my apologies for my "draining" comment because I truly appreciate everything that everyone has done to make this school a possibility. If I hadn't already done extensive research on the curriculum I would have found those meetings very, very helpful. I just thought it was going to be actual training rather than a dissemination of information about the curriculum. I'm truly not a whiner. I've been trying to help with the carpool situation and actually had an "aha" moment today while working with the city... we've been routing carpool traffic around the school before it can be detected by the traffic sensors and that is why the traffic light isn't giving us more time for east/west traffic. After on-site monitoring/evaluation Monday and Tuesday next week the city will be fixing that pretty quickly. It is already better though -- today they cleared the school for early-out and had the PM Kinders to class in a record... 22 minutes!!
    Your enthusiasm (and blog) are just flat-out charming; Kudos to your kids on the Captain Jack idea.... and, again, my apologies. (Diagram that sentence!)

    Heather said...


    Don't worry a bit about it. I was mostly amused by your comment and reminded of how many times I've complained about NWA meetings without realizing the work and positive intentions that go into them. So, absolutely no hard feelings. I would LOVE any feedback you have on how we could have made the trainings more useful for you and how we can make our future service to parents more helpful.

    I'm glad carpool things are getting worked out. I've felt so grateful for those who are working hard to figure it out. I know I couldn't. Oh, and I've also felt a great deal of pity for those dear people who stand out there every day trying to kids into cars. What a job!