Saturday, August 22, 2009

One Day Old

Day Old Child

My day old child lay in my arms,
With my lips against his ear.
I whispered strongly, "How I wish--
I wish that you could hear,

"I've a hundred wonderful things to say,
(a tiny cough and a nod),
hurry, hurry, hurry and grow
So I can tell you about God."

My day-old baby's mouth was still
And my words only tickled his ear,
But a kind of light passed through his eyes,
And I saw this thought appear:

"How I wish I had a voice and words,
I've a hundred things to say.
Before I forget, I'd tell you of God --
I left Him yesterday."
--Carol Lynn Pearson


diana said...

Congratulations. He is beautiful. I love "Day Old Child" My MIL gave me that book of poetry when I had Marley. Her poetry makes me cry. Enjoy your newborn. Mine's already 3 months old...How does it fly like that?

Jenni said...

geeze, he looks like his brothers. go figure. :)

Rynell said...

So so so cute! I just love the newborn, snuggly stage! Enjoy it! Before you know it you'll (hopefully) be sleeping again..

Tracie said...

Congratulations! He's so cute. He reminds me a lot of my little one, especially as a newborn. Enjoy bonding with your new baby. :)