Sunday, September 17, 2006

Pictures, pictures and more pictures!

I'm in the mood to post pictures. AND I finally found the cable to connect my camera to the computer. So, I hope you're in the mood for pictures this week.

I'll start with a couple of my cute little brother and his lovely wife on their wedding day.

And then one of me, my brother and my wonderful sister, which is also a good picture of my rapidly expanding belly.

And last of all, one of my whole family minus Scud. I'm not sure how Scud got out of this one!


Emily said...

wow, you look great! and the new couple look fabulous as well. fun pictures! :)

Kimmy said...

What a gorgeous couple!!! They're so adorable!
I love the family picture!
And the sisters and bro pic. Especially your belly! I've been in and out of blogland so long I didn't know you were pregnant. CONGRATS!!!!

Melzie said...

What a beautiful day!! :) I won't share with my husband-- wedding pictures always bring up a growl with us. ;)