Monday, December 25, 2006

Blog Year In Review

Here's a nice little wrap-up of this year of blogging. The first few months will come from my other blog, since I didn't start this one until April. Next year I will probably do away with my other blog, fully embracing all parts of myself on this blog. Hope you enjoy.

This month found me a bit fed up with the public school system, especially in Utah.
I was completely MIA. Not a single post
I must have found a new enthusiasm for writing. I found myself pondering my life's ambitions, laughing out loud at my children's deepest fears, sharing my gratitude for the strong women in my life and sharing some of my favorite music.
April was full. A trip to California, almost losing a beloved uncle and and the miracle that he got to stay with us were enough. Add to that the starting of a new blog, a letter to my baby, remembering my roots, a yard teeming with snakes and finding out that I was pregnant and worrying whether or not I'd miscarry. Like I said, April was full.
May was just about as busy. I wrote letters to JDub and Kaitybean. I ranted about abortion and a woman's right to correct information. I got to do jury duty, I reminded myself of my deepest beliefs and finally decided to put an end to my laundry quandaries.
June was more quiet. We talked about baby names, I found out just who is really in charge and posted a few good pictures.
I spent July wrapped up in real life. Too wrapped up to post much.
Just two posts for this month and only one worth reading. Ups and downs of the previous months.
September was the the 5 year anniversary of a very sad day. It was also the month that my little brother got married. On the home front, I found myself pausing and really contemplating this season of my life and sharing a bit about my sweet Scud.
October meant happy, funny kids who helped see me through the beginning of one more year's battle with SAD.
In November I went to New Mexico and came home completely changed. We battled croup, I celebrated JDub's 31st with a video and I wrote a little bit about our society's view of mammary glands.
And that brings us to this month. The end of yet another year. The end of a full year of blogging. Wow! This month I've sobbed that my sweet daughter has to grow up. I've watched my sweetheart hurt, reached out in a letter to my unborn child, bared my weakest spots and then I shared the longings my heart has for my sweet middle child.

It's been a marvelous year for me and I hope that the things I've written have been entertaining or helpful or at least interesting to some of you. Being able to share my heart and my days in this way has truly enriched my life this year.

I've done it for me, but I hope it's been good for you also.

If not, I hope you'll accept the prayer in a poem I wrote nearly a decade ago.

-silent prayer-

her heart is her poem
her poem a silent prayer
seeking to understand
with introspective care
if she never finds the love
that she has often penned
if silence is not broken
by her dinning, fervent whisperings
if the still and jagged artistry
that she gives her life for
becomes no more than words
she prays
that the world she seeks to understand
the world she has discovered,
released, created, felt,
surveyed and molded
with her passionate ink
on life-giving pages
will forgive her vapid verbosity


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